Carrying the vision, making decisions on a near-constant basis and being responsible for the success of an organization and the well-being of a team is a heavy load for any leader. That’s why The Change Agents believe Leadership Coaching is a necessary part of a leader or manager’s development. Are you at a juncture in your career where it’s time to step back, assess and receive some counsel? These are a few signs you might be standing at one of those junctions and ready for specialized coaching.

5 Signs You’re Ready for Leadership Coaching

Wooden game strategy, Businessman hand stopping falling wooden dominoes effect from continuous toppled or risk, strategy and successful intervention concept for business.

Carrying the vision, making decisions on a near-constant basis and being responsible for the success of an organization and the well-being of a team is a heavy load for any leader. That’s why The Change Agents believe Leadership Coaching is a necessary part of a leader or manager’s development. Are you at a juncture in your career where it’s time to step back, assess and receive some counsel? These are a few signs you might be standing at one of those junctions and ready for specialized coaching.

1. Work-related stress has increased to a point where the balance between work and personal responsibilities is all but lost.

A lack of boundaries between work and personal responsibilities doesn’t mean you’re the most devoted person in your organization — it’s a sign you’re headed down a dangerous road toward burnout. At The Change Agents, our coaches’ number one goal is to develop the leader as a whole person and capable, complete manager. The care and attention a coach brings to the process will help the client navigate mental and emotional blocks that may be prohibiting these heathy and necessary boundaries from standing strong between work and personal life.

2. You seem to never have enough time to accomplish your to-do list.

As the scope of their position increases, a good leader must always assess their daily responsibilities. Are you holding on to tasks that another team member could take on? Are the processes and workflows within your office still benefiting you? Is communication within your team or organization getting stuck at any particular point in the pipeline? A coach will help you step back and look at what may be standing in your way of executing your own work and delegating to others.

3. You’re cloudy on your purpose as a manager or leader.

Working with a coach allows you to identify your core values which can lead to a better understanding of your purpose within the organization. You’ll gain support and resources, plus a good coaching relationship will make sure you stay on track so that improvements and progress are sustained. At The Change Agents, coaches help leaders identify and develop strong goals and then give the consistent support needed to accomplish and revise these goals as needed. Plus, as surprises and new obstacles reveal themselves, leaders have the support they need to handle them and continue moving forward.

4. The external rewards of the job (money, status, etc.) are no longer enough.

For those who have achieved great monetary or leadership success, there can come a point when you ask, “Now what?” A leadership coach helps you identify your core values for work and life. This crucial understanding of what motivates you will allow you to develop, with the help of your coach, more meaningful goals. Beyond money and status, this type of orientation leads to greater long-lasting success and fulfillment.

5. It’s increasingly difficult to make inclusive, thoughtful decisions for your team members and colleagues.

Working with an executive or leadership coach is a great way to strengthen internal relationships with colleagues and team members, especially those with different work styles, viewpoints and personalities. A good leader wants to make decisions that broaden the capability of their team, increase productivity levels and leave others feeling supported. Leadership coaching can help you assess any blind spots you may have in your leadership or management style and use new tools and processes that strengthen and encourage the growth of your team.

How The Change Agents Coach Leaders

Consistent with the overall vision of The Change Agents, we work with clients to achieve sustainable change from the inside out. Our coaches provide one-on-one support to help leaders and managers explore the causes of stress in their life or what may be keeping them from reaching their goals. Whether a client begins the coaching process to improve their professional or personal life, we find the changes they make ultimately improve all areas of the client’s life: family, work, relationships and health. Ultimately, the coaching our clients receive empowers them to be highly productive and find a sense of enjoyment in both their work and personal lives.
